Turinabol is one of the most powerful drugs, the main active ingredient is 4-chlorohedehydromethyltestosterone-AC, which is produced by different pharmacological companies under different trade names. It is considered one of the best-selling substances in the world, which is used for anabolic courses to increase muscle mass.

It was first created in 1965 by a doctor in Germany, namely Jenapharm GmbH & Co. who developed the drug specifically for the needs of Olympic participants who took part in the discipline of weightlifting. For many decades, this anabolic has not lost its importance and enjoys fame among strongmen and bodybuilders, including other representatives of sports competitions. Practically thanks to this drug, German athletes achieved the best results during the competitions. Turinabol should be purchased by anyone who is engaged in wrestling, because, in comparison with other anabolics of similar composition, it completely eliminates the aromatization in estrogen, which means that it does not lead to side effects such as gynecomastia in males and fluid retention in the body. The drug does not have high androgenic qualities, so it can be used even by the female sex, without fear of virilization effect, if the correct dosage is used.

Efficiency of the drug and mechanism of action

Because of its lower androgenic activity (50% of testosterone) and a pronounced anabolic effect (180%), the preparation is used in strength-training courses. Plus not bad showed its effectiveness in the seasons of drying and shaping super, venous muscles. Turinabol solo or in combination with different drugs gives excellent results, which attracts weightlifters and crossfitters. This steroid is characterized by a fairly long action after entering the body of a bodybuilder. The active substance is able to create dry, not badly manifested and dense muscles, superbly increases the strength indicators of the string man. One of the advantages of anabolic is its almost instantaneous disintegration period. You can buy Turinabol at a bargain price by going to https://anabolikalegal.com/kategorie/orale-steroide/turinabol

Turinabol has the following advantages:

  • Lack of water accumulation. What gives, gaining mass is solid muscle;
  • No need for PKT (since the substance is not aromatized);
  • Increased strength;
  • Increased endurance, which is useful in aerobic sports;
  • Not a bad increase in sexual libido. This is true not only for men but also for women.

How to Take and Dosage

Turinabol can be bought for personal use both by beginners and professionals, because Turinabol is one of the safest and easiest to use.
The course lasts for 6 weeks, and the optimal dosage for beginners is 40 mg per day and is divided into two equal doses. The pyramidal method of administration is not recommended. For experienced weightlifters, the dosage is prescribed 40-70 mg per day. It is this dosage that will give the opportunity to acquire a fast gain in weight and strength.
For women, the daily dosage should not exceed 5-10 mg.

Regular Use

To gain weight as a rule use test Propionate or Sustanon + Turinabol. But, do not forget that turinabol in high doses, and even in place with similar agents can have a detrimental toxic effect on the liver.

A course on the construction of the relief consists of Turinabol in a bundle with Trenbolone Acetate or Masteron. Thanks to such a mix comes out to build a steep figure with a well-defined relief, to which goes every bodybuilder. Turinabol is reasonably priced, which will allow you to take a seven-week cycle to get the perfect effect.

At the end of any of these courses, it is highly recommended to conduct a PKT with the help of means stimulating the production of endogenous testosterone.

Side Effects

Undesirable effects can be seen with any anabolic steroid without exception. Before how to buy Turinabol in Ukraine, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the possible negative effects when taking a steroid drug.

Most often you can see:

  • Acne;
  • Development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Unwanted growth of body hair;
  • Can also cause hormonal imbalances;
  • Damage to the liver;
  • Inhibition of natural testosterone production.

Some of these side effects are intermittent and disappear quickly after reducing the dose or ending the course with SCT.

Steroids in shots are special drugs that allow you to achieve better results after training. They are injected into the body in the form of injections. With us you can buy injectable steroid preparations from the most popular manufacturers.

By following this link https://pharmacie-du-sport.com/article/injection-de-steroide/trenbolone/ you can order one of the most popular injectable steroids – trenbolone.

Injectable steroids and their features

Like any other anabolics, such substances help to burn subcutaneous fat, increase muscle mass, reduce the recovery time of the body, etc. Among the advantages of injectable drugs are:

  • minimal load on the liver (unlike pills);
  • increased intensity (many effective drugs are available only in the form of injections);
  • mild active substance, which is perfectly accepted by the human body;
  • Minimum number of side effects (but here it is important to properly compose a course);
  • a wide range of products (it is possible to find drugs for different purposes, there are substances with long-term and short-term action).

It is worth noting that the same drug – injectable and tablet (even with the same dosage) has different effects on the body. This should be taken into account before starting a course of steroids.

More about injectable steroids

Injectable preparations for gaining mass are steroids in the form of liquid or oily injectable composition, which are synthetic esters of testosterone that completely duplicate the action of the natural hormone.

A weight gain product significantly increases the content of anabolic hormones in the blood, which accelerates the synthesis of protein in the cells. The result is an intensive buildup of muscle mass and increased strength levels. Similarly to tablets, steroid injections also have an androgenic effect.

But in contrast to anabolic pills, steroid shots do not need to be applied frequently. On average, once every 1-2 days, depending on the length of the ester (enanthate, propionate, decanoate, etc.). Also, the solution does not come in contact with the mucosa and does not exacerbate GI problems if there is a history of them in athletes.

Often people have a negative attitude toward weight gain products, looking at the results of improper use by others. According to studies, when used correctly, 95% of people face no complications, and reversible side effects from steroid injections overtake only 4% of those who use them. The main rule is a strict dosage and a correct “exit” from the course.

You can also buy growth hormone injections in liquid form, which, when combined with conventional steroids, will produce an astonishing weight gain.

Drostanolone is an injectable anabolic steroid drug. It belongs to the group of dihydrotestosterone, due to which its main action is determined, aimed at increasing muscle mass and getting rid of excess fluid. It is worth buying Drostanolone for athletes, especially those who are engaged in bodybuilding. It provides a quick and lasting result and at the same time has a gentle effect on the body.
By the link https://testosteronesteroid.com/injectable-steroids/drostanolone/ you can find a wide range of Drostanolone from the best manufacturers to achieve high sports results.

The history of the appearance of the drug Drostanolone

The invention of such a substance as “drostanolone” occurred in the 50s of the 20th century. Then this component was described by American doctors in medical works. In 1969 Drostanolone in the form of Propyanate first appeared on the market in free access. A few years later, another form of the drug becomes available, namely Drostanolone Enanthate, but it has not become so popular.

Initially, Drostanolone was used as a drug in the treatment of breast cancer in women. But further studies of the product have shown that it will also be useful for people who are actively engaged in sports. For this reason, Drostanolone has also been used in sports pharmacology. Today, the most popular drug containing this substance is Masteron, but it is also present in the assortment of other manufacturers.

How does Drostanolone work?

Drostanolone, like other dihydrotestosterone derivatives, has pronounced Anandrolone Decanoate and Boldenone Undecylinate. When drying, it is better to combine it with Stanozolol, Primobolan, Trenbolone.by a symbolic action. In particular, in the medical literature it is described as a fairly powerful anabolic with an anti-estrogenic effect. The drug helps to gain muscle mass, removes excess fluid from the body, increases endurance.

Compared to free steroids, it is less polar. This means that it takes a little longer for the active substance to be absorbed into the blood. However, the half-life lasts a long time, which makes it possible to inject less often. Studies show that Drostanolone is in the human blood for about 2 days, but it will take at least 10 days to completely remove the drug after completing the course.

Advantages of the drug

Drostanolone has a complex effect on the body and has the following advantages:

  • stimulates accelerated muscle growth;
  • reduces the amount of adipose tissue;
  • relieves puffiness, suitable for drying;
  • improves endurance, makes it possible to train more without feeling tired;
  • it does not aromatize and does not increase the level of progesterone, which helps to neutralize the risk of estrogenic effects.

Drostanolone intake scheme

Drostanolone is presented in the form of injections. In the package you will find ampoules with liquid contents. The dose of the active substance may be different. Often we are talking about 100 or 200 mg. It is recommended to inject the drug no more than 2 times a week. At the same time, the weekly dose for men is 300-400 mg, and for women — 50 mg of the active substance. A 6-week course is recommended for beginners, and 8-10 weeks for more experienced athletes.
Contraindications and side effects
Before ordering Drostanolone, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the expediency of taking this remedy. Like other steroids, it is associated with some health risks.

In particular, in the reviews, bodybuilders note the following reactions:

  • increased growth of hair on the body and face (in some cases, on the contrary, their loss is observed);
  • acne;
  • disorders in the liver, in particular, increased cholesterol;
  • In women, as a result of taking Drostanolone, virilization is possible, therefore it is undesirable for them to use it.

Recommendations for post-course therapy

To consolidate the result and help the body recover, it is necessary to undergo post-course rehabilitation after taking Drostanolone. It is recommended to inject gonadotropin two weeks before the end of the course. This will help restore the synthesis of free testosterone.

Compatibility with other drugs

If you want to increase the maximum amount of muscle mass, then Drostanolone is recommended to be combined with Nandrolone Decanoate and Boldenone Undecilinate. When drying, it is better to combine it with Stanozolol, Primobolan, Trenbolone.

Entre los levantadores de pesas y otros atletas, el acetato de trembolona ha ganado gran popularidad como esteroide anabólico inyectable, apreciado por su excelente efecto androgénico con un moderado efecto anabólico, que conduce a un buen aumento de peso sin hinchazón de los tejidos. Lo utilizan sobre todo los levantadores de pesas durante los periodos de rendimiento por encima de la definición corporal y en los cursos de secado de entrenamiento de fuerza. El acetato se está convirtiendo en una de las drogas más potentes disponibles en el mercado deportivo. Es fácil comprar trembolona al mejor precio – es necesario añadir el pedido a sus favoritos, y luego confirmarlo.

Descripción del producto

Se trata de un éster corto. La vida media del aas no supera las 48 horas. Esto requiere inyecciones frecuentes, lo que no siempre es conveniente. Sin embargo, la alta eficacia del fármaco eclipsa su desventaja. El acetato de trembolona es un potente anabólico y andrógeno, con un nivel de actividad del 400% y 200%.

Efecto de la aplicación de acetato de trembolona

Entre los efectos positivos del acetato de trembolona, cabe mencionar los siguientes:

  • Mayor reclutamiento de masa muscular de alta calidad.
  • Mejora de las propiedades de fuerza y resistencia.
  • Aceleración de los procesos de lipólisis.
  • Posee pronunciadas características anticatabólicas.
  • Mejora la definición corporal.
  • Reducción del contenido de grasa corporal.
  • Aumento del deseo sexual, el resultado desaparece después de dejar el medicamento.
  • Mejora del rendimiento de los deportistas.

Además, merece la pena observar un aumento de la secreción de IGF-1. La producción de este ingrediente activo ayuda a muchas manifestaciones anabólicas de la hormona de acumulación.

Curso individual de deportes de fuerza

Las tomas deben realizarse cada tres días, ya que el efecto del fármaco no es prolongado. Debe administrarse una dosis única de 75-150 mg del producto. La duración de su uso no debe exceder de 6 a 8 semanas. Para evitar la actividad progestogénica del esteroide, es necesario consumir Cabergolina. También es importante ser consciente de la obligatoriedad de la terapia posterior al final de la toma del fármaco.

No debe tomarse tamoxifeno porque este antiestrógeno aumenta la secreción de prolactina. La mayoría de las atletas prefieren el Clomifeno para uso personal, pero a veces optan por el Tamoxifeno.

Modo de administración del acetato de trembolona

Al cabo de un tiempo, puede ocurrir que el ciclo en solitario deje de producir los efectos deseados. Por lo tanto, merece la pena enfocar un tratamiento combinado con acetato de trembolona. Debe elegirse un fármaco con un efecto similar para conseguir un efecto más potente. Fenilpropionato y propionato son aceptables, Drostanolona, Primobolan, Oxandrolona, Winstrolona y otros también pueden ser seleccionados.

Efectos secundarios

Dado que el esteroide no se transforma en estrógenos, no hay que preocuparse por la aparición de ginecomastia. Sin embargo, hay otra serie de reacciones desagradables que pueden producirse en uno u otro sistema corporal:

  • Trastornos del sueño
  • Picor del acné
  • Caída del cabello en la cabeza
  • Picos de tensión arterial
  • “Tos “como de trueno
  • Erección débil.

Al final del ciclo, conviene tomar Gonadotropina para ayudar a establecer la síntesis de testosterona endógena. El medicamento no tiene efectos tóxicos sobre el hígado y los riñones, sólo si la dosis es correcta.